Hi guys! I can see that a lot of you still follows this blog, be aware that I am NOT blogging here anymore. 
You can find me on WWW.BYDENICE.COM

I hope you’ll like that blog even better, XXBild

Just want to clarify something, I will not be blogging here on denicelindell.wordpress.com any longer,
You can now find me on www.bydenice.com. Please check me out there instead!redremix

Finally, everything is done and I am proud to show you my finished project that I have been working on.

Welcome to my new life!

Me2 Collage

486180_521609167849819_1807020894_n_largeLet’s welcome December with open arms. Sure, I don’t like the cold. But winter time is something special, and christmas is just around the corner. This is the month of coziness and spending lots of time with friends and family.
Not only is it December first today, its also another big day. In a couple of hours I will tell you what I am talking about, you don’t want to miss that! 

Thursday Fun.

Started out the day with swedish breakfast at Espresso House with my sister. Scones, chai latte and new clothes. Perfect way to start a thursday. My days have been super busy so far, but a fun type of busy. Friends and family are the only things on my “To Do List” for november/december. Love it!


Did you fall in love with it too? (Don’t mean to brag – but look at it…) But since this was not planned, and I have been dreaming of it and then walk into this closet. How can I not be super happy?
Applauds to my parent for this amazing surprise and great work. All I need to do now is unpack my 3 suitcases from United States, and fill the closet entirely. The biggest love of all. 


Today was probably my best day ever, oh my gosh! My whole family surprised me at the airport, we all cried and hugged for a long while, and then we got back to my house and the rest of my family was there. The feeling to see your family after a year is indescribable! Not only was that more than enough for me, I stepped into my room and my mom & dad had built a DREAM CLOSET. Amazing!
I will show pictures tomorrow! So stay tuned. XX

Goodbye America, Thanks for a great year!
Sweden, here I come!

(Sorry for horrible updates, I have been over my head with things to do before my departure. But I am done packing, and in 30 minutes I will head to the airport. Tuesday morning I will finally see my family after 1 year, 2 weeks without them.)

Saw this picture and fell in love with her outfit. I don’t know if I would look as good as her, but here is what I would wear. Its simple, fun & hot. I love the hat too, makes it even more fun! Way to go – right?

Something I have been wanting to do for so long now is : Change my hair. 
I went to the saloon today, and here I am now – super happy with the result. 3 hours and a ton of shampoo/conditioner/oil, my hair couldn’t be happier, cleaner or prettier.
The picture above was my inspiration…